Join us on parentsquare

We want to remind you that ParentSquare will become the primary source of district, school, grade level and classroom communications here at Salem Central School District on Monday, January 6th. This means prior platforms including SchoolMessenger, Apptegy, and Thrillshare Rooms will no longer be active when students return to school from break.

We hope you have had the opportunity to explore ParentSquare over the past week. If you have not done so already, you are encouraged to check your email for instructions to activate your account and sign in for the first time. You may choose to use a computer or the free ParentSquare app on your smartphone to access the platform.

You will regularly receive district, school, classroom and athletics information through email, text and/or the mobile app — it's your choice! You can find more information about ParentSquare on our district website, We will continue to share resources with you to help you get acquainted with this new unified communications platform.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email or call the Main Office at (518) 854-6000 for assistance.

We look forward to communicating with you through ParentSquare in the new year. Until then, we wish all students and their families a safe, healthy and relaxing break.

Learn more about ParentSquare:

>> ParentSquare Overview for Parents

>> ParentSquare Getting Started Guide

>> ParentSquare Tips for Parents & Guardians