Message from Superintendent Adams

October 18, 2023

Dear Salem Community Members, 

A school district in our region and across New York State has received a "swatting threat" via email that states that there is a bomb in all schools in NYS. Local, state, and National Counter Terrorism authorities have been notified and are investigating.  A check of the email and the verbiage used was compared to other threats and appears to be very similar to threats last week to Jewish centers across the North east. At this time the threat does not appear to be credible. 

To be clear, SWA has NOT received this threat.  We are sending this out for your information.  As always, SWA remains vigilant in maintaining the safety of students, staff, and the community. I will alert you all if anything further occurs.


Julie A. AdamsSuperintendent of Schools
Salem Central School District
Salem, NY 12865
Ph: 518-854-7855
Every Student Future Ready