Transportation Office
Transportation Regulations

Transportation is a service and therefore a student may be refused transportation for violations of the regulations or for unacceptable conduct. A serious offense, that may endanger lives or other passengers, will be sufficient grounds for immediate suspension of transportation privileges until a suitable resolution has been made. These regulations apply to all extracurricular activities as well as daily transportation to and from school.
The bus driver has complete authority on the bus and to enforce all regulations.
Sit three in a seat, facing forward, and be careful not to block the aisles. Seats cannot be saved for a friend.
The bus driver, at his/her discretion, may assign seats to individuals or to the complete bus load. Keep the assigned seat unless you have permission to move.
Students must keep heads, arms, and hands inside the bus (windows) at all times.
Profanity, quarreling, fighting, rough play or unusual loudness is a violation.
Nothing shall be thrown inside the bus or out of the windows. Do not throw any kind of objects at the bus (snowballs, stones, etc.)
Not Permitted on the Bus: Animals (including snakes, mice, bugs or pets) Radios, tape players, glass objects of any kind, or any object of the size that students cannot reasonably hold on their laps. Eating or drinking is prohibited on the bus. Containers of any kind near the face can become extremely dangerous in case of a sudden stop.
Tampering with bus equipment ( emergency door, emergency windows, fire extinguisher, seats, etc.) is unacceptable. Students and parents will be assessed for any damage.
Students living on the opposite side of the road from the bus stopping point must cross at least ten feet in front of the bus. Students should look both ways before crossing and wait for the drivers signal to cross. While waiting for the bus, stand back away from the bus stopping point a sufficient distance to avoid danger of being struck by the oncoming bus.
Students are not permitted to transfer to a different stop other than the pickup point without permission from the school principal. No group (more than three) will be allowed to go home with another student unless prior permission has been granted by a school administrator.